Shot by CBS News camerawoman, Jane Lurie, the film follows a diverse group of U.S. women who have joined the organization MADRE to travel to Nicaragua, meeting with women’s groups and individuals all over the country including the north - where the U.S.-backed “contra” war was being fought. The U.S. women learn about the Sandinista revolution and what it has meant for the women of Nicaragua. In an expression of deep solidarity, they have raised money to present a new ambulance to the Bertha Calderon Hospital in Managua.
Selected Shows and Awards
Club Senzala, August 1985, NYC
Winner, *l985 MADRE Achievement Award*
Shown at schools, churches,
at the U.S. House of Representatives
Port Washington Public Library
Univ. of Massachusetts, Union Video
Donnell Library, NYC
Syracuse University
S.U.N.Y., Purchase
Colgate University
School of Visual Arts
University of California, San Diego
Smith College
Amherst, College
Mount Holyoke College
California Institute of the Arts
London College of Printing & Distributive Trades
The Deep Dish International Satellite Show
Used widely for organizing in the U.S., Central America, and the Caribbean.