NMNG is a nonprofit media production group designed to develop and produce intelligent intercultural
films and videotapes, multimedia, web sites and series for distribution via:
• TV, cable, Internet, CD, DVD, satellite
• theatrical, educational, museum, gallery and other artistic venues
NMNG is dedicated to creating a multifaceted research••development••production••artmaking and ••distribution group including:
• a facilities cooperative
• screening/ show spaces for artists of many kinds who share our basic vision
Artists will participate in:
• skills/facilities exchanges and/or residencies
• community media education
• media literacy programs
• community arts enrichment
Our vision of intercultural media includes individual and collaborative production and distribution of visual and other digital media art which is:
Entertaining, smart, analytical and visually exciting and politically independent
We will raise funds to write, shoot, design, edit and launch/ distribute our work, hiring additional writers, musicians and other visual artists and technicians as necessary on a project by project basis.
We prize freedom of speech for all. This must include access to the most advanced, "popular" and contemporary means of speaking such as video, internet, film, broadcast, satellite, etc.
We will create fiction and nonfiction as well as abstract work which dares to imagine a world in which democracy is the given, forms are open to continual reinvention and subjects speak for themselves.