"Made at the time of the '88 presidential election, 30 SECOND SPOT RECONSIDERED is a true story told by the artist about censorship and corporate style. It is based on a true story about the adventures of the artist buying network time for a TV spot, -an ad for counter-bicentennial activities in l976, confronting the system of invisible, corporate censorship which runs broadcast television." - Boston Globe
It is often used in the current effort to protect freedom of speech from the self-appointed congressional censors, now making noise.
Selected Shows and Awards
New England Film/Video Festival
Boston, MA, (1990)
• Boston Critic's Choice Award •
Video Zone
Zone Art Center
Springfield, MA (1989)
• Grand Prize •
Daniel Wadsworth National Video Festival (1990)
• Second Prize •
Whitney Museum, NYC
Anti-Censorship Show, NYC
Median Operativ Festival
Berlin, GR
Berlin Film Festival
Berlin, GR
New American Makers
San Francisco, CA
New York University, NYC
Brooklyn Museum of Art
Australian Film Festival
Real Artways
Hartford & New Haven, CT
Majestic Theater
Boston, MA
Colgate University
Utica College
Hampshire College
University of Glasgow
Bennington College
S.U.N.Y. Purchase
University of California, Berkeley
The Art Institute of London